Monday, July 28, 2008


I have been feverishly working to complete myt UFOs because the new patterns this fall are amazing. I will be working with Geode and Jasper from Berroco, Peter Pan from Wendy, and of course my new favorite yarn Aspen from Universal Yarns. I want to have atleast one vest and one sweater completed by Stitches East. I have two baby items by September. This will allow me to really get to knitting an alpaca wrap the my sister decided that she hated working with! I have been looking at it for 6 months and just can't pick up a lace project now.
Don't forget the shop will be open Tue from 9am-2pm and Flying Finger knit night Tue at 6:30, Thurs 9am- 2pm. I have order some new yarns and I hope to have them in soon. I have also ordered books for the shop libary so come by and 'check them out'.

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