Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another successful knit night

Although many regulars were missing from our group we had loads of fun. Tuesday nights are working great for so many of us and Wed. is another awesome group. Even some came to both events. I have had a hard time understanding what these knitters are going to want from my store. I think that most of these knitters are intersted in a place to socialize as well as buy fibers. I don' t see many of these women attending classes on a regular basis. Most of this months group are working on sweaters and detailed projects. I am looking foward to seeing this group change and expand. If you are interested in joining us next month we will meet Dec. 4th at 6:30pm & Dec. 6th at 9:30am. Email me with questions.
I am working on Tony's sweater right now, doing both the front and the back at the same time is nice. I opted not to work in the round and stay true to pattern, for the sake of the shop. Modifications are nice but they don't sell patterns or yarn these days. And for a sweater that will not be worn by my hubby for years to come I think that sticking with the pattern is wise.
Well I must run I need to get knitting before Private Practice begins and I get distracted.
Knit on


Pocket Size said...

Hey there! Great to hear from you! That yarn sounds lovely, and off the top of my head I can't think of anything but I'll think more about it and get back to you. A lot of times I don't use patterns, I just make stuff up as I go along, which is why I do a lot of accessories! With just one or two skeins, though, a hat is always a possibility. Since it's merino and silk, maybe something in lace would be nice. See? I'm already thinking of stuff... it's just not terribly specific. I'll think of more and get back to you!

Maria said...

Hey girl! I have worked on a cowl and I just don't think that it does the yarn justice. I know that I should just play around with it but I just am having time issues. I need to be an octopus!!! What knitting I could do.