Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zoning Meeting

I do not understand why the Mooresville, NC zoning board did not approve the request from my neighbor. Every adjoining neighbor signed a letter of agreement to change but because it is not in the 'PLAN' they would only consider a conditional use zone if presented at a different time!!! defines plan as 'an orderly arrangement of parts of an overall design or objective'. No where does it say that once a plan is established that no one can not change the 'plan'. This puts a kink in my plan. Nothing new, my plans always have kinks and actually my plans end up looking like a road map, some street connect yet others do not. And somehow it always ends with death and taxes!

I have another plan--Saturday I plan to take my boys to Rural Hill's Amazing Maize in Huntersville, NC. If that is my plan and I don't go then what happens? MAKE ANOTHER PLAN!! Mooresville zoning board please make notes. Plans can change!!! If your plan is a bad one (which it is) then change it. Be reasonable, be flexible. This is coming from some one that plans things weeks or months in advance. Yet, I change plans. Watch and learn zoning.

Venting is over.... thanks for listening.

Too late to knit. Sleep is more important tonight.

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