Thursday, May 21, 2009


Dominic had two teeth pulled out yesterday. I don't know if I fully understand if it was necessary at this time since the roots had not even begun to dissolve. Do you see those roots! I got dizzy and thought I was going to throw up! What a brave boy. This morning he was telling Anthony that it did not hurt.

Today I am going to run errands for the PTO and my family, then I will return home to mow grass and then the boys are off to baseball practice. Busy, busy, busy. No Gray's Anatomy so I should be asleep early. Yea right, I am working on several deadlines. None of which are getting done now because I am blogging!!!

Knit on,

1 comment:

Kyla said...

Agh! That makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it!! I almost didnt notice the teeth in that pic!

Work on those deadlines!! ;)